Our Programs

FORWARD programs are based on or inspired by the leadership development frameworks developed by Professors Marshall Ganz and Ronald Heifetz from Harvard University, alongside other frameworks developed and taught at Harvard and MIT.

Take a closer look at the description and choose the program that aligns best with your company's development needs.

Leading And Managing Change

A program that designs and implements innovative campaigns to drive transformation
The Rhythm of Change is The Rhythm of Campaign

We live in a world where change is the only constant. Although we know it’s inevitable, it seems that no one particularly enjoys it. It requires us to give up the well-known routine, step out of our comfort zone, and abandon old habits, interests, and even values. On top of that, mere adaptation to change is not sufficient. To truly stay ahead of the curve, we must proactively drive change by embracing disruptive thinking and continuously challenging the status quo.

To lead toward the vision of change, one needs a campaign—a focused and dedicated stream of activities that build up toward the achievement of our goal. Through our Leading and Managing change program, we build clients' capacity for imagining the world as it could be and planning the action steps to achieve it.

In this program, we support you to:

  • Strategize effectively and develop an innovation/transformation campaign with clear and defined goals
  • Think innovatively about creating and using resources
  • Construct a timeline for the campaign that will best align activities and resources for optimal results
  • Manage change by managing the people, processes, and structures involved in the campaign process
  • Gain a different perspective and understanding of resource management by putting people in the center and making them the main driver of change.

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Building High-Performing Organizations
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Leadership In Times Of Change
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